
What a year

2021 has been a busy year in many senses. Unfortunately this also affected the dev and maintenance of the server (with no major technical inceidents though). However, there still have been a couple of things happening in and around Aurelium and we’d like to share some of it here.

On Aurelium

Snow Land

A relatively new player started out in a huge area of snow. At this point we can already admire some amazing snowy houses and a giant snow man. We’re definitely looking forward to see how this will evolve in this year.

Railway progress

Slowly but surely the project is making progress. To be precise, we’ve added a few more stations to existing lines and some tracks have been continued as well. Check the progress here.

Beach House Video

One of the player’s has done a great job building an awesome beach house. In addition they recorded this process and shared their hard work on YouTube. Make sure to check it out!

On Discord

Music and Levels

Our lovely Discord Bot would be nothing without Rafi59. He has invested a lot time and effort, adding features and keeping the bot in a solid state. Listening to music and levels are only some of the nice abilities our bot now offers.
Thank you!

What next?

We hope to see a bit more of activity in 2022, even if we sometimes enjoyed the quiet and calm times which inspired some people to realise awesome (building) projects. 😉
Apart from that, we’ll also try to fill this site more regularly with more content. An automatic announcement in our Discord server when a new post is released could also be one of the things happening in the near future.
We’ve also thought about something special for our players, stay tuned for the next post!
